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The Ciesinski Kids Katie, Annie, Adam |
It has been a quiet year – and I guess that's a good thing. Everyone's well and no major life changes for anyone. Click on the photos for a larger image.
Donna's family is busy with the girls in fifth and sixth grades and Adam in second grade. Annie at eleven started junior high and is entering the social world – scary. Likes skate-boarding, sports and animals; but not yet boys. Katie at ten still loves riding horses and took part in a couple of shows this year. Adam at seven is into boy things - soccer and his PSP video game. His Mom's not happy about the PSP.
And they added to the family with a Golden Retriever this summer, a breed Donna always wanted. Jan does some sitting for them when they get in a bind, but we don't see the kids as much anymore - too many activities and friends to compete with. Sigh ... it's hard to look cool after 65.
Mark and Debbie's new home in Granby |
Donna continues to work as a teacher in the prison system and the chauffeuring after work is driving her crazy. Her husband Mark, a cameraman for our ABC affiliate, has set up his own video editing business and the program he co-created, "Roadside Stories," is now carried throughout New England on the PBS stations. It's good exposure and we hope it develops into something more.
Mark and Debbie bought their first home this August in Granby and have been busy this fall fixing it up and adding personal touches. Debbie is the children's librarian in East Hartford and Mark has been back at Lego this fall. We are waiting to see what they offer him come January.
Mark and Debbie with cousin Brad Makarowski in Sarasota |
Mom turned 95 this October and is still hanging in. She gets a little frailer each year, but seems happy where she is and enjoys getting out and visiting with the family. Linda is very good to Mom and includes her in all her family activities.
Our only trip this year was to Sarasota, Florida in March with Jan's sister Nora to see our nephew in a play before he graduated from the University of Florida with a Masters in Fine Arts. Mark and Debbie joined us so it turned into a family vacation. The weather is great, but there is way too much traffic down there in the winter for us to ever become snowbirds.
Jan's time is spent between the grandchildren, lunch with friends, books, scrap booking and recently she has begun making jewelry and working with beads. For Christmas last year I gave her a book of tickets for a day trip each month of the year to a restaurant and some kind of outing - a museum, cruise, garden tour, etc. It gave us the opportunity to go to places around the state we had never been and visit some of the smaller attractions.
That's us at the Mayflower Inn in July |
Jon's Journey
After giving up the magazine and taking 2006 off to read, study and rest I got itchy and launched a holistic website, Conscious CT in September for our region of the state. That gets me back in the game and keeps me involved, but without the publishing deadlines. I also do small websites for several friends and organizations I'm involved with.
In March I put together the third holistic health fair for our town and I provide advice and coaching for others doing fairs and expos.
In October I went to my 50th high school class reunion in Newton, NJ. I also keep the website for our class. It was the first time home in five years. Feels funny - a lot of ghosts.
Jon & Jan
Donna & Mark
Jon & Jan