There was lots of good food and no rent to pay.And good parties.2003, age 34, I immersed myself in the study of comic art.2002, age 33, I was back at Lego and loving it.They didn't get many pictures of me except at holidays.2001, age  32, a rare photo of my days as a carpenter.There were periods of introspection.2000, age 31, I take the girls to church to explain my theology.1999, age 30, the big 3-0 and I desparately tried to hold on to my youth.At work my inner child had a great time.Holidays were shared with family.1998, age 29, Mom tries to talk me into a real job. Lots of luck.My nieces just let me play.And gave me sage advice about being true to myself.So the world continues to be my bubble machine.1997, age 28,  childhood reins . . . on the playground.And at work.See what I made.
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And gave me sage advice about being true to myself.