New Year's 1965 with Herb Buckhout. Lots of partying in those days.We bought our first house in 1963.1965 vacation in Nantucket with our 1964 beetle.On vacation.And a new hobby, collecting Sebastions.Seeing in the new year of 1966.Uh Oh! That kiss could be trouble.Life as we knew it was about to change.On October 4, 1966 Donna, the colicy kid arrived.Visiting grandparents in New Jersey.1967 in Bermuda while Aunt Lavina took care of Donna.1969 and Mark arrives. Donna's no longer the center of the Universe.Mom trying to keep the peace.1972 passport photo at age 29.Visiting inlaws in Florida in 1972.1974 family portrait. Note the beard.1975 on vacation.With inlaws.
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On October 4, 1966 Donna, the colicy kid arrived.